Thursday, June 26, 2014

CMT - Magnum Force

The power of emotion can't be overstated. With that in mind, we must take extra care to check our emotions to the best of our abilities. Irrationality is a dangerous state to succumb to; it's infectious and it's incurable, but it is, ultimately voluntary. If we allow fear to justify the continuing of unsafe practices, we have no one else to blame but ourselves.

Classic Movie Trailers: Magnum Force - (1973)

Paranoia is an effective tool. If you can recognize it and give voice to it, you can convince people to use it as an excuse to disregard reason and common sense. Others will simply take up the flag and repeat the mantra, over and over again for personal gain. That gain may be political, or it may just be the ability to hold on to a weapon, that shouldn't be in a civil society.

It's not for "protection" and it's not for hunting; it's cool and it's theirs and they'd resent not having it. Why should a mass murderer, or three, ruin the fun for decent, law-abiding gun owners? Why should they give an inch, when reformists obviously want to take a mile? Well, the answer to those questions is our payments in lives, a consequence you may ignore, until one of your loved ones is murdered.

How many people actually believe, that one day a group of crooked cops will drive up to kill them? How many envision a race war, or a coming apocalypse? How many live in fear of descending black helicopters? Well, I'd bet the farm on that number being a very small one.

The rest of them are just being unreasonable.


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