Thursday, June 5, 2014

CMT - The Woman In Green

What traits does a character need, in order to stand the test of time? What separates James Bond and Batman and Robin Hood from the rest? Well, I believe that great characters should be identifiable, and that they should be at a level that we desire to reach. That level can be mental, physical or moral; it can be embodied in the amount of wealth obtained, or in the wealth of social interactions that they achieve. We look up to great characters and we aspire to be like them, even though they never existed.

Classic Movie Trailers: “The Woman in Green” (1945)

Though I've known about the Sherlock Holmes character since childhood, my enthusiasm and fascination with him started just a few years ago. I sometimes prefer to listen to stories as opposed to reading them, and it was this fact that led me to some old radio serials, which starred Basil Rathbone, as the detective. Sherlock's powers of observation, are some of the most notable things about the character, but what impressed me the most personally, was his focus.

Holmes can look at your shoes, your clothes, your complexion and the way that you walk, and from that information he can tell a great deal about you. That outstanding talent has a meaningful purpose however, and it isn't to impress onlookers at cocktail parties. Small details and the facts that can be deduced from them, are invaluable tools in solving crimes. Sherlock Holmes is dedicated to solving crimes and he became a true master of his craft.

That's not to say that he holds no other interests. Holmes is an accomplished actor and while that fact can help him in his investigations, his deftness with the violin and his love of music can not. Still, his focus on his profession is a shining example, of what each of us are capable of. Basil Rathbone had that focus and while watching him in this picture, I'm hard pressed to tell of another performer, that embodied Holmes so completely.


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