Tuesday, June 17, 2014

CMT - Blade

I’ve heard it said, that the best way to live life is by focusing on the present moment. Little thought should be given to the future and though we’re dependent on the past, to teach us our lessons, we should never spend time dwelling on it. Well, if I was at all capable of doing that, I’d probably agree. It looks good on paper though, doesn’t it?

Classic Movie Trailers: Blade (1998)

Before he could walk, before he even spoke his first words, Blade was victimized. He was changed in such a way, that he is necessarily apart from his fellow human beings. As a result he hates himself, but he survives because he directs his anger towards the cause of his torment. That malefactor and the demons of his past are actually demons, and the monsters of his dreams are real. So Blade straps on his weapons in heroic fashion and he fights, in order to slay them.

The rest of us don’t have that luxury. Since we live in a civil society, we have to combat the past in a different way. We’re armed with the knowledge that time heals all wounds, provided that we survive the wrongs committed against us. In order to live to see better times, we lock our skeletons in the closet, turn away and ignore the sounds of them scratching at the door.

It takes a strong will, to get out of bed and continue with daily life, when the horrors of yesterday are still fresh in the mind. Doing so is admirable however, and it is immeasurably more heroic, than running the past through with a sword. 



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