Wednesday, July 9, 2014

CMT - Alien Nation

Birds of a feather, flock together... for better, or for worse.

Classic Movie Trailers  - “Alien Nation” (1988)

People tend to group together with others like themselves. Look at your circle of close friends; you’ll probably find, that the majority of them share certain characteristics with you. Those similarities may be religious or racial, political or economic. There are dangers however, if you disregard or shun people because they are different. Bigotry and the stereotypes used to keep it alive, can only survive in a state of ignorance.

The more you learn about a group a people, the harder it will be to adhere to preconceived notions about them. You can say any one statement about people, in any particular category and it will be true for some. However, as you continue to look at more and yet more of them, that statement is much less likely to apply. This is a simple fact that many of us don’t understand yet.

It is in dealing with others that we learn about ourselves and about life, in general. I’m going to submit to you the idea, that if you choose to converse with and keep an open mind regarding those that have very little in common with you, that learning process is faster, easier and more meaningful.


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