Monday, September 14, 2015

CMT - Masters of the Universe

Sometimes, when the years pass after a film's debut, you wonder why there wasn't a sequel. With "Masters of the Universe" however, the answer to that is clear, as it was a critical and commercial disaster. Having said that, I remembered it somewhat fondly and after seeing it again, I'll admit I wanted a bit more. The question for me then quickly became, where did it go wrong?

Classic Movie Trailers - Masters of the Universe (1987)

Perhaps the problems start, with the seeming lack of effort put into the story. This is a "paint by the numbers" movie, with some set up and some conflict, but little to no surprises before the end. I like to think of it as being a "popcorn flick"; it's simple enough that you can enjoy it without thinking very much. For me, that kind of entertainment is nice sometimes, but if you aren't looking for that at the start, you might just leave it bored.

It is interesting to note however, that there is some disparity between the critics and the general audience. Over at, the movie has a 17% approval rating with reviewers. When you compare that to the 41% that it scored with moviegoers, that's quite a difference. Admittedly though, if over half of the customers leave unhappy, you probably don't have a very good product.

It's possible, that they went into production doomed from the start. What is good and what is bad in entertainment is always subjective, but you have to also consider what is expected. "Return of the Jedi" debuted in 1983. "Back to Future" was out in '85 and "Masters" arrived two years later. I suppose by that time, people wanted more than what it could give.

Episode VI had a budget of about forty-three million, according to Wikipedia. The same source claims that "Masters" had about half of that. If we consider, that most of the scenes in the latter film are on location, it's easy to see why they might have went in that direction. Designing and producing otherworldly sets is expensive, so if the Eternians travel to Earth, they save the producers a lot of money.

That would also mean, that He-Man needs to run around Chicago in his cape and underpants; so I can sort-of see why people didn't dig it. To be honest though, I don't think Courteney Cox and her boyfriend did much to help. I couldn't have cared less about them and their problems and it's hard to imagine who they would have served. That is to say, that I think they had the attendees pegged wrong.

Let's put this in perspective here; "He-Man and The Masters of the Universe" was a cartoon. It was created to promote a toy line and it debuted with it, in 1983. Four years later, we got this movie and it looks like it was going for a much older audience. The romance in "Star Wars" was light and sparse by comparison."Masters", on the other hand, is heavy on the icky-kissy-cootie stuff and the kind of drama that kids don't want to see.

There's no "Johnny B. Goode" scene and no fun along those lines, so I'm sure the parents were also not thrilled with it. I am of course, speculating here as always, but maybe there was more action and fantasy in the original script. It's possible that Dolph Lundgren signed on, with a much better blueprint than what they wound up using. Investment capital often dries up for a lot of different projects and film is no exception.

Watching the movie now, I think it was a gamble. They did the best they could at the time, hoping that they could make more with less. If they were lucky, they could have been a hit with teens and the young adults in the crowd. We would have seen the Eternia that they couldn't show initially, if they made enough money to justify a return.

Reportedly however, they didn't even break even. Upon reflection, I think they should have seen that coming. Money is a big problem and if Frank Langella's Skeletor can't conjure up enough, no other movie magic is going to make up the difference. When people want Narnia or Middle-Earth, you can't give them "Shakespeare in the Park" and expect it to go over well.


See"Masters Of The Universe" on Netflix!

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