Monday, May 4, 2015

CMT - Marathon Man

Sometimes, it seems like everyone has an ulterior motive. There are so many things left unsaid, and so many secrets, cold sweats and restless nights might be commonplace. The truth is, there's difficulty in knowing, if any single person is candid, at any time. They say, “don't trust anyone”, but of course, that's impossible,

Classic Movie Trailers – Marathon Man (1976)

Do you want to know what's wrong, with the criminal justice system? Would you like to know why there are white collar criminals, that scam victims out of hundreds, of millions of dollars? Is there someway to ensure, that the money given to charity, goes to its intended purpose? Well, the answer to all of those questions is the same; if we eliminate the human element, all of the problems go away.

You could spin the wheel and land your finger, on any organization imaginable; all of them have the same faults, the same people, as any other. We've come to expect ideal behavior, from our political and religious leaders. We also expect, that those assigned to protect and serve the public, will do so in good faith. In fact however, any group of people is inherently self-interested; without proper checks and balances, corruption is as sure, as death and taxes.

Often, when we meet someone we're fond of, we're inclined to trust them. That actually reveals, a lot more about us and where we are in our lives, than it does about the other party. Don't get me wrong, there are some trustworthy, and truly selfless people out there; it's just that, they might decide to help someone else, at our expense. It would be an error to assume, that we ever truly know anyone, and if we have them pegged correctly, they can change at any time. So, with that being the case, so must we.

I don't believe in uniforms, or titles, or stations. I don't put my faith in pretty faces, honest smiles, or firm handshakes. I understand that each person has their own, best interests in mind. At the exact moment, when there are conflicting interests, I expect conflict or change; that has yet to disappoint me.

This may surprise you, but I wouldn't be the one to suggest, that we separate ourselves from other people. Nor would I lead you down a path, towards anarchy or paranoia. If anything, I'd like you to be aware and accepting of red flags, when you see them. We still have instinct to rely on, and there is such a thing, as healthy skepticism.

So go ahead and greet others, with an extended hand of friendship. Go ahead and give your spouse the keys, to everything that you own. Life is too short, to wait and worry about, being stabbed in the back. Just be open to the warning signs, and take them very seriously.


See “Marathon Man” on Netflix !

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