Monday, May 11, 2015

CMT - Hook

People often ask about, how authors come up with their crazy ideas. The answer is imagination, but to most that word is a synonym, for magic. It seems like we pull things out of thin air, but I know that's far from the truth. You should think of the creative part of your brain, as an engine, and the fuel it uses, is simply information.

Classic Movie Trailers – Hook (1991)

Information is the clay that writers use, to sculpt fiction. The practice of expanding upon prior knowledge, is essential for the research, that serves as a foundation for what you create; it's also just as important, to your own general creativity. Throughout our lives, we are bombarded with a wealth of facts to choose from; the only difference between us, as human beings, is the various ways our brains react and respond to them.

I don't know, what J.M. Barrie's influences were. I haven't found the books, that shaped his sense of fantasy, or adventure, or comedy. I imagine that his decision to use pirates, might have been in response, to Robert Louis Stevenson's, “Treasure Island”. His take on the character of children, might have been similarly lifted from other stories, or from his own life. I only know one thing for certain: artists can't create in a vacuum.

Imagine for a moment, that your best friend is an English professor. As a favor, you agree to act as a substitute for a few days, and lead the Creative Writing class. On the first day, you give the students a list of words, which they need to use in their creation, of a new intellectual property. Those words are: firearms, spirituality, flying, racing and swords.

Personally, I'd be anxiously anticipating the results. While grading the homework, you might become privy to the beginning, of a billion dollar franchise. However, if one of your students pitches a world like “Star Wars”, you'll know that you have a cheater. The stories we create, are an extension of our individuality; given the same ingredients, the meals we prepare, are going to be wildly different.

I can't write what you can write. Similarly, you won't be able to provide, what I can provide as a storyteller, and neither of us, could have created Peter Pan. That's the most amazing thing, about fiction. Every time we experience the work of a new author, we get to see the world through very different eyes.

So, if we wish to create art, we need to experience art, and plenty of it. Read as much as you can. Watch as many movies, as you have time for. Try things you may have never considered, like comic books or manga, animated films, or genres you're not familiar with.

After all of that material is digested by your brain, it will subconsciously combine and rearrange things, in ways that no one else in the world can duplicate. Just remember, that your imagination engine needs oil, and that oil is your own belief. When you create, you have to put yourself in a state of mind, to where you nearly believe that your creation is real. Actors do this, all of the time.

As comical as “Hook” is, it's dependent on Robin Williams' belief in his character. Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts and the rest of the cast, had to act out lives they've never lived, and remember events that didn't actually happen. Without belief, and an almost childish ability to pretend, the magic doesn't work.



Watch “Hook” on Netflix!

Rest in Peace, Robin Williams (1951-2014)

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