Monday, February 23, 2015

CMT - Scarface (1983)‏

I think we can all recognize, the typical villain. They sneer, and laugh maniacally. They plan world domination, and of course, they twist their long moustaches. The bad guys have to have those long, dark moustaches; it's a cultural thing. Just like "beady-little eyes" and "furrowed brows", the bro'stache is inherently evil.
For "Scooby-Doo Mysteries" or "Pinky and The Brain", those kinds of criminals are fun. Admittedly though, antagonists have a lot more going for them, and good bad guys make for great entertainment. Personally, I think that fiction is the world's best teacher, but only when it isn't ham-fisted, and obviously pushing morals onto us. It's been said, that art imitates life. So by getting a closer look at art, we get a closer look at life, and criminal psychology can be a very enlightening part of it.
Classic Movie Trailers: Scarface (1983)
There are a number of reasons, why certain people spend most of their lives incarcerated. It's easy to imagine, that the most aggressive and impulsive of us, would be in and out of jail. In the heat of the moment, if you act first before thinking things through, a lack of restraint inevitably leads to physical restraints. Undoubtedly though, there are those of us that act, while fully aware of the possible consequences.
That leaves a few possibilities. It could be, that the type of person we're considering, simply doesn't fear jail. They could live, or have grown up in such a dangerous environment, that prison is less of a deterrent, or even the safer alternative. In some neighborhoods, bullets are an all too constant threat, and death could literally be around the corner.
It must also be said, that career criminals choose to accept the dangers, because of limited options. In a world where income inequality is an inescapable reality, the allure of fortune and a greater quality of life, is worth it to some of us. First-time offenders may believe that they're special, and that getting caught isn't a real possibility. In fact, people may be motivated by a combination, of all of the factors listed above.
There is one mindset at least, that is still worth mentioning. Returning to nurture, or the environment where we learn and grow, it's certain that many people adopt a moral code, that is not in agreement with the legal one. Good and bad, and right and wrong, are still present in those of us that are mentally healthy; however, the definitions we have vary, significantly. Who's in the right, and who's in the wrong, is always a matter of perspective.

Trailer Here

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