Monday, February 2, 2015

CMT - Predator

I've had the benefit, of seeing some of the best, and the worst behavior that human beings are capable of. Instances of kindness and charity, fill me awe and appreciation. Ignorance, intolerance, undue aggression and hypocrisy boils my blood, and evokes my disgust. People sicken me; and I say that as both a philanthropist, and an unrepentant misanthrope.
I don't think there's one charge I could bring against the human race, that anyone could successfully defend. Among all of our flaws, one thing is paramount; we all think we're something special, don't we? There's an undeniable arrogance, that pervades everything we do, from the extinction of animals, to the erection of power plants and the building of roads. We shape the world to our liking; we force the globe to cope with unreasonable demands, and we consume, and consume, until there is nothing left to leech.
We even hunt for sport, and that's if you call murder, from fifty yards "hunting". Enthusiasts will defend the hobby, but I'd ask them all to acknowledge, that what was done for survival, is now little more than a game. It is all too easy for us; our weaponry has tamed the great beast, and laid him low. Don't you wonder what it would be like, if someone or some thing, was able to tame us, as well?
Classic Movie Trailers:  Predator (1987)
Before you proclaim the tenacity of the human spirit, before you assume that our so-called "advanced weaponry", and military tactics, would prevail against any threat, please remember how young we are. The dinosaur's rein on earth, lasted one hundred and thirty-five million years. One hundred thousand years ago, we had just begun fighting with the Neanderthal. Man's dominion has been relatively brief, and it endures precariously.
We war amongst ourselves, for the most trivial of reasons. We allow millions to starve, so that very few, can live luxuriously. We not only fail to punish treason, we reward it, and we vote to give the perpetrators more authority. Meanwhile, while we bicker amongst ourselves, we slowly poison the earth that feeds us; then we look at the evidence, and say it isn't true.
I'm not convinced. I don't think we have the intelligence, to rule this world for that much longer, let alone the might. Is our subjugation, by another life form, really so hard to believe? Certainly we're smart, when compared to the flora and fauna around us, but given that we're aware of other galaxies, we're incapable of reaching the knowledge they're hiding.
We don't know what's out there. We don't know much of anything. Our concept, of genius level intellect, is a manifestation of our greatest hubris; we are dumb apes. We are pups, with destructive toys, and we think we're safe and secure. I wouldn't trust a man-made weapon against a rhino, forget about an alien.
There is no such thing as permanent, and that's something you should realize. The human race will end; the only question is how. One answer, is obviously plague. Nuclear war, may play a part as well. It is possible however, that we will meet another life form that is simply, unquestionably, better than us.

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