Tuesday, January 20, 2015

CMT - The Wolf Man (1941)

When real life terror, is mixed in with the supernatural, it makes the latter more effective. Frankenstein's Monster, it can be said, is an example of the perils involved, when one leaves a child without guidance. Mr. Hyde is an example, of the dangers that can result, from hiding our true natures for too long. But what about The Wolf Man? What can we learn from him?
Classic Movie Trailers: The Wolf Man (1941)
I've had my share of nights, bar-hopping. Looking back at it now, it seems like a gigantic waste of time. However, I can proudly report, that I left that period healthy, and with my reputation intact. There was some voice, in the back of my head, that worried about what would happen if I drank too much.
The scariest thing about that situation, is drinking to the point where you can't remember everything. I know there's people that drink to get drunk, and if you do that occasionally, and you don't hurt anyone, hey, I understand and that's ok. But just the idea, of being drunk to the point where I've lost time worries me, and it has always stayed my hand and stayed on my mind. What if I do something in that state, and I can't account for it?
What if I got grabby, with the wrong girl? Would I have to show up in court, and talk about a scene I can't remember? What if someone says the wrong thing, and I attack them? A beating would be nasty, especially one I can't recall, but I'd take it over an assault charge, any day of the week.
Acting so brashly, would be uncharacteristic of me. But that's what alcohol does; it lowers your  inhibitions. It keeps you from realizing the consequences, and it keeps you from remembering the mistakes. The most horrifying thing about that is, you could hurt someone you love, and lose them forever.
So kudos to the cast and crew, of 'The Wolf Man", and to everyone involved. They hit the nose on the head, in regards to where the fear of werewolfism comes from; it's about losing control of yourself. It's about someone you'd normally trust with your life, that undergoes a rapid change, and becomes a very dangerous threat.
Forget about the gore, and the blood and the special effects, that are showcased in later pictures. "The Wolf Man" does so much more, with so much less, and it's easier to swallow... easier to believe. I'd go so far as to say, that this film puts those movies to shame. How is it, that you can spend millions of dollars to create a work of art, and yet you can say nothing of significance?
Is "The Wolf Man" dated? Yes, and it probably isn't 'scary' by today's standards. At least not at first glance. Not until you sit and think about it. Whether it's alcohol, or the glare of a full moon that brings it out, nothing is more frightening than the monster that's in me, and in all of us.

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