Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CMT - Dog Day Afternoon

A number of times, over the course of my life, I've tried to examine why I react to certain people in such a strong way. I'll think about their behavior long after each incident. A single comment, or a simple look from a certain someone, can send my head spinning and my heart racing and I don't immediately understand why. However, after giving it some thought I realize the problem; I keep making the foolish mistake of trying to use logic to explain emotion.

Classic Movie Trailers: "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975)

I think that, when people meet people, they immediately have an emotional reaction. In our everyday lives these reactions may be so slight, that they pass into the subconscious, to be soon forgotten. Sometimes however, we encounter a person that has a profound effect on us. We can move on and forget these people as well, but it takes much, much longer. Until then, we might hang on their every word and deed.

So who are these people, that we become attached to? Well, I don't think that matters. We all know who we're "supposed" to be with. We know their gender, their religion, their race, their political stance and their world view; we also know what their approximate age would be. Tomorrow though, you might meet someone that makes you think again, about one or more of those criteria.

Emotion is what it is. You're going to feel what you feel, no matter how much you try to talk yourself out of it; and you will feel that way until you simply don't anymore. When that condition does change and the tide finally ebbs, it has no more of a reasonable explanation, than your feelings did at the very beginning.

I wouldn't suggest that we all become slaves to emotion. Practical living requires that we keep ourselves under some sort of control. However, we should all recognize and respect the power that emotion has over us. So, if you see a couple together and they seem like an odd match, don't think on it overlong and don't shake your head at the pair, or belittle them. You may not understand what causes their emotions, but that's only because there's no logical answer to that question.


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