Monday, September 28, 2015

CMT - Sleepy Hollow (1999)

I recently decided to use, as a more regular resource for this blog. The general consensus from critics and the audience scores, are helpful tools when deciding on a film to suggest. "Sleepy Hollow", like many of the movies I've commented on, is a show that was already familiar to me. Looking at the information, that the website provides for this picture, you'll note that the genres listed are: Horror, Romance, Mystery and Suspense.

The list from Netflix is somewhat different. On the introductory page, the Horror and Mystery classifications are there, but Romance is omitted. It also adds Science Fiction, Fantasy and 'Supernatural Horror', but Suspense is notably absent. So where exactly is this film genre-wise and why would there be a disagreement?

Classic Movie Trailers - "Sleepy Hollow" (1999)

The problems actually start with the classification system itself. If you consult Wikipedia regarding film genres, you'll see that academics haven't settled on a sure way, to divide and categorize cinema; several methods are actively used. Among the considerations are the actual size of the film, be it 8 or 16 millimeter, the target audience, the amount of money put into the production and other factors. For the sake of simplicity, let's focus on works of fiction and their different narrative elements.

Obviously, there is Drama to consider. The other words, we commonly associate with films are: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Tragedy, Western, Crime, and every word attached to "Sleepy Hollow" as it stands, save for "Supernatural". Now here is where it gets really complicated. You see, these genres are also divided into different types.

If we decide to group movies based on their setting, we can talk about War movies and Space movies and Westerns. We could also look to include Victorian Era films and those that take place during Medieval times. If theme is more significant, we can look at Crime, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Adventure, even Supernatural arguably fits. Let's say for the sake of argument, that we'll settle on mood; that brings Comedy, Tragedy, Horror and Drama upfront, with Romance as either a subgenre, or a genre in itself.

I don't know about you, but I'm lost. Exacerbating the difficulty, is the fact that these genres are not mutually exclusive. Actually, it is much more helpful to look at setting along with mood and theme. I mean, let's face it; yes a movie can be a Western, but is it a Crime Western, a Comedy Western, or an Action film with Tragedy? All of those things can be true.

So let's bring it back down to "Sleepy Hollow" specifically. We may not be able to set up a solid category to place it in, but maybe we'll agree on what the ingredients are. Both of our sources claim that this is a horror movie and I think that's hard to dispute. There is some mystery regarding the Headless Horseman, his origins and his motivations, so that's an element as well.

Netflix doesn't recognize the budding romance, but I think that was prevalent. Christina Ricci's character and her relationship, with Depp's Ichabod Crane, is a major theme that starts early and ends late. If we take a look at the fantasy elements, magic is used to affect the supernatural. Without both of those devices, you need a different resolution and by using something else, you get a different movie.

Science fiction is the one thing I can't see. Granted, Crane's devices are queer-looking, but there isn't anything advanced, or futuristic about them. The man himself, is much closer to 'Sherlock Holmes' than 'Dr. Who'. He has an empirical, scientific way of looking at the world, which doesn't include time travel and teleportation.

There is suspense though, and if we fail to recognize that, I think we miss something significant. For my money, there's at least three different kinds of horror. You have your spooky, supernatural ghost stories, the gore fests and the thriller. In the latter example, the fear comes from the speed of the pursuer.

This movie isn't about blood at all. Heads definitely roll, but they do so quickly and cleanly. There is a violent death involving Crane's romantic adversary, but even that is shot from afar. "Sleepy Hollow" doesn't try to gross you out; the tone of the film is lighter and that brings about a major point.

If this was a serious film, Depp wouldn't have feinted onscreen. He wouldn't have cringed behind his blankets, like a kid with goosebumps. The performance he gave was theatrical, exaggerated and amusing. If you wondered why Comedy wasn't listed at the beginning, you're absolutely right to question it.

This is a comedy, ladies and gentlemen; this is a comic book. This is "Tales From The Crypt" with a nod, a wink and a pinch on the cheek. The main villain laid out the entire plot at the end, and reminded me of "Scooby-Doo Mysteries". I am utterly clueless, about how both websites missed the humor. It just goes to show you though, it's definitely not easy.



Watch "Sleepy Hollow" on Netflix!

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